July 24, 2014

'Used to Be' Narrative.

I have been thinking a lot lately about what I am calling the 'used to be' narrative.   
It goes like this:
"There used to be someone who worked here that had that problem"
"We used to have someone with that illness, so we implemented a scent free policy"
"We used to be a scent free building but then the person who was sensitive left, so we just stopped enforcing it"
"Oh yeah, I have heard of that.  There used to be someone around who had that too.  I wonder what happened to them?"
I never actually MEET people with EI/MCS, but I do I keep hearing about all the people with EI/MCS who 'used to be' present and participating in society, but are now relegated to the margins.  I would like to meet and know these people who 'used to be' around.  What happened to them?  What injustice did they face?  What struggle did they participate in? Where are they now?  What supports do they have?  How are they supporting themselves since they are no longer able to work?  
Every time I hear this narrative, it cuts right through me because I also a part of this narrative.  I will be (and already am) that person that 'used to be' here.  I spent four years struggling to make my previous workplace safe for me and ultimately had to leave.  I spent the next year trying to make my school safe for me and ultimately had to move to part time studies to reduce the amount of time spent in the classroom.   It is a daily struggle to NOT be the person who 'used to be' here.  

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