November 19, 2014

Organic Food Box Program

My partner and I grow a lot of our own food and we only eat organic produce.  We aim to eat all locally grown food, but that is not always possible given the climate of the region.  Unfortunately, our local health food store is filled with essential oils, incense, candles and scented personal care and cleaning products, which means that I can’t enter the store.  Even more unfortunate is the fact that the produce they sell in the store are also covered in the scents and I have become increasingly sensitive to it. 

Ugh.  Always something.

The good news is that we discovered that we could order a food box directly from the organic farm that supplies all the local health food stores with produce. The farm also imports organic produce through the winter months and so we can have fresh produce all winter long and they deliver to the door!  Amazing!

My first food box delivery update: 

I left the cash in the mailbox so that I didn't have to open the door.  Unfortunately, I opened the door too soon after the delivery truck left and a waft of vehicle exhaust fumes came inside the house, so I wound up brain fogged and symptomatic. Ugh. I decided I'd be safest to wear my mask while unpacking the box because it was hard to tell if the box itself was contaminated from being in the truck. The foodbox had a number of printed materials in it, which are problematic for me, but one of the printed items was a $10 coupon for the next box, so that was great! I put all the printed materials in the mud room (which is my off gassing room) and put away the veggies. I didn't even attempt to smell the veggies because I was still recovering from the waft of vehicle exhaust when I opened the door. 

Here is the feedback I will be giving the delivery service:
1) Do not put printed materials inside the box
2) Send receipt via email
3) Find out if I can provide them with a rubbermaid bin that seals to use for my deliveries
4) Minimize use of plastic bags

And a note to self for next time: Leave the box outside for at least 15 minutes after the truck leaves to ensure that the air has cleared. 

Overall, I think that this service is going to be a great thing for me, but there are certainly some kinks to work out.

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